Women's Care
Whether you are looking for an OB/GYN for preventive exams, pregnancy care, or you need a specialist- you will receive expert compassionate care from the Hutchinson Clinic Women's Care clinic.
The physicians and nurse practitioners at the Hutchinson Clinic are experts in their field and and offer a full line of obstetric and gynecologic services to meet the needs of all women through every stage of life.
Our Women’s Care Team offers:
Family Planning
In-office ultrasonography
High risk pregnancy care
Management of diabetes in pregnancy
The opportunity to VBAC
Gentle cesarean sections with dim lighting and soothing music.
TAP anesthesia technology - reduces post operative pain and the need for opioids following C-Sections
Yearly Women’s Wellness Visits
In-office Lab Services in the Lobby (from 8 AM to 5 PM)
Breast Health with 3D mammogram
Birth Control Counseling
IUD’s (Kyleena, Mirena, and the non-hormonal Paragard)
Same Day Appointments with Walk-In Care for Women
Hutchinson Clinic is proud to offer a specialized GYN Walk in Care in the Women’s Care Building. Walk-In services include:
HPV vaccination
Flu vaccination
Urinary Tract Infection
Pregnancy confirmation
STD testing and treatment for: Gonorrhea, Chlamydia, Trichomonas, Genital Herpes, Hepatitis B and C, Syphilis, and HIV.
Vaginal infection testing and treatment for: discharge, itching, odor, bacterial vaginosis, or yeast Infections.
Patients may call ahead for a Same Day appointment, or simply visit our Women’s Center Monday-Friday 8am-4pm to see a provider.
Gynecological Surgeries
Truclear Hysteroscopy
In-office Hysteroscopy with Endosee
Minimally invasive surgical procedures with the DaVinci Surgical Robot. Most laparoscopic hysterectomies have a same day discharge.
Thank you for choosing us as your Women’s Health provider.
Hutchinson Clinic Women's Care Center is located to the North of the 2101 N. Waldron Location in the 2201 Building.
Check out our CAMPUS MAP for directions.
Meet our Physicians and Providers: